Forever Hugs

Dedicated to Sherrie and Doug, my Boarding House Friends
Presented to Sherrie, March 31, 2001, Doug's birthday.
Doug passed away a week earlier...the inspiration for this poem?
Sherrie had said that what she regretted most was that,
"I wasn't there with him and didn't get one last hug."

Forever Hugs

A hug so easily imparts
A comforting between hearts.
As tender as a satin glove
A hug is forever, my love.

Should I fall into eternal sleep
Dear mate of my soul, you must not weep.
My arms embrace you from above.
A hug is forever, my love.

Until we meet again, my wife
Cling to hugs from our friends in life.
Gentle as a Heavenly dove
My hug is forever, my love.
© 2001 Ruth Norman

A Bit O' My Poetry  abitosunshine

"You'll Never Walk Alone"
Midi Provided By
BK's Midi Moods